What to Expect?
For all examinations, imaging should take between 10 minutes to an hour depending on the complexity of the exam. In many cases, an X-Ray may take 5 minutes, while a MRI may take over 30 minutes. In either case, our radiologists will have your report to your doctor within 48 hours. Please click on the following links to greater detail about your upcoming exam.
Our facilities will give you a wrap to wear. A technologist will position your breasts for the mammogram. You and the technologist are the only ones in the room during the mammogram. The procedure takes about 20 minutes to complete. The plastic upper plate is lowered to compress our breast for a few seconds while the technologist takes a picture. The actual breast compression only lasts a few seconds, however you may feel some discomfort – so tell the technologist if it hurts.
Depending on the location being examined, the following protocols are necessary in order to complete an accurate exam.
- Exam of abdomen – Fasting for 4 hours before exam. (You make drink water to take medication if necessary)
- Pelvic Exam – Full Bladder, drink 24-32OZ of water 1 hour before the exam
- Pelvic/Transvaginal – Full Bladder. Drink 24-32 OZ of water 1 hour before exam
- Transvaginal – Empty Bladder
- Renal/Bladder – Drink 16 OZ of water 1 hour before exam
- >14 Weeks OB – No Prep. Patient is allowed to have a guest in the exam room
- <14 Weeks OB – Full Bladder. Drink 24-32 OZ of water 1 hour prior to exam and hold. No one is permitted in the exam room. The procedure takes about 20 minutes to complete.